Thursday, 14 July 2022

Two-worlds model v2

Two friends are having a conversation:

  • One says: "I am afraid that something happened that damaged my body".
  • The other asks: "How do you know?"

Here is a sketch for a model of HOW WE KNOW that I wish to further develop for contributing to that conversation in a supporting, creative and responsible way.


  1. The world in which we live is the INTEGRATION of TWO WORLDS:
    WORLD 1 is the SHARED PHYSICAL world or world of physis;
    WORLD 2 is the INDIVIDUAL LOGICAL world or world of logos
  2. Because of this INTEGRATION we do not notice the two worlds separatedly, we experience them as ONE REAL WORLD.
  3. The integration of physis and logos in one individual is the product of a functional system of our brain: ATTENTION (Ceccato's model)
  4. ATTENTION, conceived as a system that we can control (cybernetic system), is the system that we use to construct our individual LOGICAL world
  5. The attentional system enables us to construct our logical world by means of ATTENTIONAL OPERATIONS. 
  6. In this way ATTENTION provides the basis for the AWARENESS, REGULATION and EQUILIBRATION (control) of our logical world.
  7. But this awareness, regulation and equilibration are NOT UNDER DIRECT CONTROL by the individual. We notice this through "background thinking", a process that brings to our mind thoughts that we did not search for or even did not want to deal with.
  8. Thus, although we construct the LOGICAL world, after constructing it we do not have direct CONTROL on it
  9. What about EMOTIONS? Emotions are ENERGIES that are triggered by our logical world and after that they fuel its activities
  10. EMOTIONS provide the energy used by the brain for constructing, regulating, equilibrating and being aware of our logical world.

MB / 14.7.2022