Two friends are having a conversation:
- One says: "I am afraid that something happened that damaged my body".
- The other asks: "How do you know?"
Here is a sketch for a model of HOW WE KNOW that I wish to further develop for contributing to that conversation in a supporting, creative and responsible way.
- The world in which we live is the INTEGRATION of TWO WORLDS:
WORLD 1 is the SHARED PHYSICAL world or world of physis;
WORLD 2 is the INDIVIDUAL LOGICAL world or world of logos - Because of this INTEGRATION we do not notice the two worlds separatedly, we experience them as ONE REAL WORLD.
- The integration of physis and logos in one individual is the product of a functional system of our brain: ATTENTION (Ceccato's model)
- ATTENTION, conceived as a system that we can control (cybernetic system), is the system that we use to construct our individual LOGICAL world
- The attentional system enables us to construct our logical world by means of ATTENTIONAL OPERATIONS.
- In this way ATTENTION provides the basis for the AWARENESS, REGULATION and EQUILIBRATION (control) of our logical world.
- But this awareness, regulation and equilibration are NOT UNDER DIRECT CONTROL by the individual. We notice this through "background thinking", a process that brings to our mind thoughts that we did not search for or even did not want to deal with.
- Thus, although we construct the LOGICAL world, after constructing it we do not have direct CONTROL on it
- What about EMOTIONS? Emotions are ENERGIES that are triggered by our logical world and after that they fuel its activities
- EMOTIONS provide the energy used by the brain for constructing, regulating, equilibrating and being aware of our logical world.
MB / 14.7.2022