Wednesday, 14 August 2024


Living in Two Worlds - Six basics of my knowledge theory

Fig 1: Six bascis claims of LTW
  1. SOCIETY & COGNITION - For better understanding each other we need to better understand the human mind and its main function: knowing (cognition).

  2. MATTER & FORMS - Knowing has two main components: matter and forms (as Aristotle suggested). But we do not separate forms from matter. Instead, we add to matter the forms that we create (mental constructs).

  3. DEFINITE THINGS - Matter becomes a definite thing by means of forms: since I am the creator of the form, the definite thing is always a thing-for-me.

  4. FORMS & THINGS - The form, which is the essence of a definite thing (Aristotle), is not there in matter ready to be separated from it and to be taken: instead, it is a creation of the mind.

  5. TWO WORLDS: NATURE & EXPERIENCE - If matter becomes a definite thing by means of my forms, then I live in two worlds: the world of matter (nature) and the world of my forms (my experience). And similarly, for each of us.

  6.  INSUFFICIENT AWARENESS - We do not notice that we live in two worlds because we are not sufficiently aware of what the mind does when it knows.