Tuesday, 26 April 2022

shared physical world

 The first DOMAIN OF KNOWING in which we lack awareness is:


  • we are not aware that the matter of our shared physical world is "formally indefinite" = does not have the "universal forms" that we unwarily attribute to it.

 This claim uses five terms (expressions) that need to be explained:

  1. shared physical world 
  2. matter (of the shared physical world) 
  3. formally indefinite (matter)  
  4.  universal forms (of matter) 
  5.  attributing forms (to the shared physical world)

Before explaining them verbally, I will present an example that will help later in the explanation.

Figure 1 – Example 1

 What is this (Fig.1)? Looks like a clear glass pepper shaker with a metallic cap with “P”, right? Yes, but now let us focus on the cap.

Figure 2 – Example 1, detail

Could we “read” this “P” in Fig. 2 as a different letter?  Of course, we can read it in Fig. 2 as an upside down “d”. In Fig. 3 the same image rotated through 180º makes the reading “d” easier:

 Figure 3 Example 1, detail rotated 180º

 And besides letters of the Latin alphabet, how could we interpret this dot pattern, if we transfer it to a sheet of paper, as a sketch?  Fig. 4 shows two variations in two new positions, because that makes it easier to see some other interpretations:



Figure 4 Two new positions

 And by combining two patterns we could have for instance:


Figure 5 Two combinations

I suggest that you now stop here and try by yourself to see something in these 4 patterns of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, before reading further.


How was it? What did you see?

What I see is: 

  • sectional sketch of a train tunnel, with an underground exit to the right (4a); 
  • floor plan of a bungalow, with a path arriving to the door from left (4b); 
  • floorplan of two bungalows, with a shared yard (5a); 
  • two short poles with flags, like in the flag semaphore system (5b). 
  • Pattern 4b can also be seen as an upside down 4a (the tunnel); 
  • and 4a, 4b and 5a can be seen as one of the flags of 5b. 
  • And of course, all patterns can be seen just as a “P” or a “d” in different positions and/or combinations.

What does this mean? Try yourself to make sense of the above facts. I will propose some conclusions in a future post, after explaining all the four DOMAINS OF KNOWING in which we lack awareness.

With the background of the previous example, we are now ready for explaining the mentioned terms relating to the FIRST DOMAIN OF KNOWING in which we lack awareness: 

  1. shared physical world: the metal (cap), the glass (shaker), the paper (sheet) and the dots (in the cap, on the sheet) are elements of the shared physical world; “shared” because anyone can perceive them;  
  2. matter (of the shared physical world): metal and glass 
  3. formally indefinite (matter): metal and glass have shapes, but not what we call here “forms” 
  4. universal forms (of matter): the forms “cap”, “shaker”, various “dots patterns”; they are "universal " in the sense that anyone can use them successfully as forms of this matter with its shapes. 
  5. attributing forms (to the shared physical world): the human mind performs the process of perceiving by producing the “forms” (“cap”, “shaker”, various “dots pattern”) and applying them to the appropriate matter: metal, glass, paper and dots.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Sleeping when knowing


The problem that we have with the two worlds in which we live, is a problem of awareness of WHAT WE DO WHEN KNOWING.

It consists of a quadruple lack of awareness with the consequence that we behave in this regard as if we were sleeping: already Heraclitus (535-475 BCE) lamented a similar problem with the human understanding of the world, when he claimed that men: 

"do not know better what they are doing when awake, 
than are remembering what they do when they sleep
- Heraclitus, Fragment B1

The four DOMAINS OF KNOWING in which we lack awareness are:

  1. SHARED PHYSICAL WORLD: we are not aware that the matter of our shared physical world is "formally indefinite" (does not have  the "universal forms" that we unawarily attribute to it)
  2. DEFINITE THINGS: we are not aware that definite things are not given in the shared physical world but (individually) made by us by adding our individual forms to the indefinite matter. Forms that, although constructed in the course of a continuous social process of negotiation of meaning, preserve an individual foundation.
  3. INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENTIAL WORLD: we are not aware that each person integrates all her/his definite things into an individual system, which is her/his individual experiential world.
  4. TWO WORLDS: we are not aware of equilibrating the shared physical world and the individual experiential world, thus living in two worlds.  Together they constitute a consistent dynamical system.

Immanuel Kant "confessed" of having also been like sleeping, until an objection that he found in Hume "interrupted my dogmatic slumber" (Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, 1783). After that he became aware of domain 1 and 2, probably also of 3.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Aristotle, Kant and the two worlds


We have seen in a previous blog post that according to Aristotle:

  • the essence of a definite thing is its form, which is that cause by reason of which the matter is that definite thing (1).

As a cosequence, according to Aristotle's view: GIVEN a definite thing, we can obtain its essence by SEPARATING its form from its matter.

In that post I claimed that Aristotle made a small error and proposed how to correct it. In the previous sentence, the error can be corrected by simply substituting the third "is" with "becomes". Then we obtain:

  • the essence of a definite thing is its form, which is that cause by reason of which the matter BECOMES that definite thing.

The correction is small but the consequences are huge: the definite thing is no longer GIVEN. It is a product that results from ADDING form to matter.

Thus, this simple substitution leads to a REVOLUTION: it turns the whole situation upside down, like in Kant's Copernican Revolution.

But there is a second main consequence, that Kant forgot to mention: that with this substitution, instead of living in one single World (a universe of definite things), we now now live in TWO WORLDS:

  1. the world of GIVEN indefinite matter = one physical world, equal for all
  2. the world of PRODUCED definite things = many experiential worlds, one for each individual human being.

To be human is to keep these two worlds in a homeostatic balance.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Small error for a man

but a giant mistake for mankind.

How do we know? Aristotle's (small) error 350 BCE.

Aristotle thought that the mind forms ideas in the following way: 

  1. the mind takes the "forms" of things
  2. and separates them from the "matter" of things.

This way of producing ideas was for him the basic process that enables us to understand the nature of things. We see the foundation for this approach in his main work, later called "Metaphysics", in chapter VII, an inquiry into the essence of things:

Aristotle (350 BCE), Metaphysics, book VII (Z), 17, 1041b.

Text in English, German and Ancient Greek:

  • EN: "... one looks for that cause of the matter (but that is the form), by reason of which the matter is a what (some definite thing); but that is the essence (of the thing)."
  • GE: "Man sucht also die Ursache des Stoffes (das ist aber die Form), durch die der Stoff ein Was ist; doch das ist das Wesen."
  • AG: "ὥστε τὸ αἴτιον ζητεῖται τῆς ὕλης (τοῦτο δ᾽ ἐστὶ τὸ εἶδος) ᾧ τί ἐστιν: τοῦτο δ᾽ ἡ οὐσία."

This is a profound insight connecting four fundamental concepts: matter, form, thing and essence. Unfortunately Aristotle made here a small mistake: he wrote "is" where he should have written "becomes".

With this small correction, his sentence would be:

  • "... one looks for that cause of the matter (but that is the form), by reason of which the matter BECOMES a what (some definite thing); but that is the essence (of the thing)."

In other words: "matter" BECOMES a definite things by means of "form"; for this reason "form" is the essence of that thing.

Why is it correct to use "becomes" instead of "is"? Because  "forms" are not there in "matter" ready to be taken. What Aristotle called "forms" are products of the mind, mental constructs. The mind "produces" forms (mental constructs) that we ADD to the "matter", like a potter modeling clay.

In this way the indefinite matter BECOMES a "what", a definite thing, an experiential thing in our experiential world.

In this way each of us lives in two worlds: the physical environment (matter) and her/his own experiential world (definite things).

Monday, 18 April 2022

Peace and mind

#StandWithUkraine #MindfulPeace

For promoting and establishing Peace we need to understand each other.
For understanding each other we need to understand the human mind, how the mind works, knowing.

How do we know?
How do we perceive?

A person perceiving something does not become that something:
it is the something that becomes (a part of) the person, that's assimilation."
More precisely: that something (a part of the physical world) becomes a specific mental object in the experiential world of the person.

So, each of us lives in two worlds: the physical environment and her/his own experiential world.

This is based on a statement by Piaget (see image):
"A rabbit that eats a cabbage does not become a cabbage: it's the cabbage that becomes a rabbit, that's assimilation." - Jean Piaget, 1977
"Un lapin qui mange un chou ne devient pas un chou: c'est le chou qui devient du lapin, c'est ça l'assimilation." - Jean Piaget, 1977
Bringuiler, J.-C. (1977) Conversations libres avec Jean Piaget. Paris: Robert Laffont, p. 69

To know how we know

 "All men by nature desire to know"

... but very few desire to know HOW they know.

Original: πάντες ἄνθρωποι τοῦ εἰδέναι ὀρέγονται φύσει.
- Aristotle (384–322 BC), at the beginning of his book "Metaphysics", a treatise of "first philosophy".
That is why, since Aristotle, the human mind has not evolved: we just use it. That is not enough for promoting peace, #MindfulPeace.

Aristotle thought that the mind forms ideas by TAKING the "forms" of things and separating them from the "matter" of things. This way of producing ideas was for him the basic process  that enables us to understand the nature of things.
Unfortunately he made a small mistake here:
we do not "separate" forms from things: instead, we "produce" forms (mental constructs) that we ADD to the "matter" of things, like a potter modeling clay, thus producing the "experiential" things of our experiential world.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Day 50 Russian invasion of Ukraine

Day 50 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine - 14. April 2022

Trying to make sense of an unthinkable tragedy: 14 steps

  1. THE EARTH STANDS WITH UKRAINE. All compassionate human beings #StandWithUkraine
  2. IT IS OUR DUTY TO STAND WITH UKRAINE. Because: "No equidistance is conceivable, if we want to be faithful to our values."- Liliana Segre, OMRI, Holocaust survivor, member of the Italian Senate, 25. March 2022.
  3. RUSSIA’S WAR IS ILLEGAL - "No state shall by force interfere with the constitution or government of another state." - Immanuel Kant, 1795.
  4. RUSSIA: A MAFIA STATE - This was already known to the Western governments since many years, but they preferred to do big business with the mafia. Now everybody can see the demonstration that it was bad for stability and safety.
  7. THE WAR STRATEGY of their madness: INTENTIONAL VIOLENCE AGAINST UKRAINIAN CIVILIANS in Chernihiv, Bucha, Irpin, Borodyanka, Kharkiv, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolaiev, etc. #CrimesAgainstHumanity
  8. BUCHA MASSACRE: PUTIN AND THE KREMLIN ARE RESPONSIBLE for the Bucha massacre and all the other crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine. Why? Because intentionality and responsibility form a unity. See #InheritedIntentionality
  9. Putin claims "IT IS NOT A WAR":  Right, it is worse than war, IT IS GENOCIDE.
  10. PUTIN'S RUSSIA IS BACK TO ABSOLUTISM. The European Enlightenment was the beginning of emancipation from Absolutism (I. Kant, 1784). Russia is back there now, a gap of 250 years.
  11. IN RUSSIA THE MIDDLE AGES ARE STILL ONGOING. What Patriarch Kirill preaches in his sermons related to the war reminds of the Crusades, the Holy wars of thousand years ago.
  12. WESTERN SANCTIONS ARE NOT ENOUGH. Why are they ineffective? What hidden agendas are some powerful Western governments trying to implement? 
  13. THE PRIORITY IS TO STOP THE RUSSIAN AGGRESSOR. When a mafia state with a mad government is intentionally killing civilians and destroying cities of another state, then market, customers, business, history, reconciliation and the like are not priorities. The priority is Justice, which means stopping the aggressor. Because: "If Justice perishes, human life on Earth has lost its meaning." - Immanuel Kant, 1797.
  14. GLOBAL POWERS ARE A "SYSTEMIC DANGER" for stability, safety and ethics.:  from the tragedy of Ukraine, we see now that we need to change this. SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL ... AND HUMAN, more than ever in 2022.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Putin responsible for Russian crimes in Ukraine

Why is Putin responsible for the crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine?

Because ...

(1) Intentionality and responsibility cannot be considered in isolation, they form a unity.

(2) Thus, since:
... INTENTIONALITY climbs down (i.e. is inherited via) the ladder of military command from the highest hierarchical level (intentions of president Putin) to the lowest level (soldier)

(3) it follows that:
... RESPONSIBILITY climbs up (i.e. is transferred via) the ladder of military command from the lowest hierarchical level (action of soldiers) to the highest level (president Putin).

#StandWithUkraine #PutinsWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity